LL Discussion issue
- governance record that could contribute back to election
- smart city exhibit: declaration of all the municipal efforts as successful
- response of the RDEC chief
- lack of presence in government parvellions
- 五縣市(包含學姊)
- substancial input is needed
- 王石, sparklab City
- Accelerator for the Vendor
- 6 years development
- Central Gov Resources
- post meeting minutes: 700w content
- contextualized with D’s input
- include know-how to reach Central Gov.
- m-level decision poke
- possible route: done
Achievements for 6 months
- current draft plan
- including architecture details plan
- greenfineartmuseum integration
- audience
- infrastructure
- 水湳示範區亮點服務,可以有效利用數位方式服務市民:以綠美圖為例,B1(本來要做數位藝術),服務型態傳統美術館,在數位化與數位中心,有些工作是未來水湳營運辦公室要做的事情,例如樓管。要招商要找什麼樣的商攤都必須要知道。我們市政運作切分,但是沒有整合
- vice M L integration plan
- controlled by local artists head
- command issued by D, all the way down to ground
- role of secretary ms. L: minstry of culture
- D concerns Taichung longterm development
- software content development
- digital island style m-spending
- for culture bureau
- understandable content
- why do it?
- for connecting to Minstry of Cult.
- 現美新幹線
- 中央車站(人才會進來)
- 臺中坐火車頭,掛上附近的車廂
- 劉老師第一年訂(火車頭)規格,半年內容發展,再做一截車廂(VR內容?)
- 俊彥:一個火車頭,一截車廂,museum pass:國際研討會
- 格子
- 一定做不到的:意義導向思索路徑(市民互動歷程)
- for content
- for head of bureau cult.
- for digital governance bureau (on board July)
- team built up and kept / maintained (not again)
- M’s expectation
- Flower Expo case Studies
- Federation of Service Hub (火車站)
- 三月七日跟文化部要談
- 文化部應該要 init 火車站,也就是 Federation Agreement
- 中研院簽:Service 對接 agreement
- 內容端簽:Data Exchange Agreement
- Taichung city Government (Service Hub)
- 屯區 culture center (Service Hub)
- Sinica ASDC (Service Hub)
Boss Phone
- hhfund website
- fund raising documentation
- concise version decision with Asio and Chungyi
- fund raising version
- response to tc.culture on committee member issue
- foundation governance improvement
- to ministry of Culture
- platform of digital culture: comprised of multiple phase of culture portal development patterns including FB era updates
- culture.tw replaced by Taiwan Academy (which is wrongdoing)
- Brazil experience of outreaching practices to online traditional cultural identities, etc.
- technological (lodified)
- community-based approach
CODATA issue
- 2017 ICSU Convention Side Event (co-host with HHFund, Taichung City Government)
- Data Science’s Global New Era
- Incubating Taichung Human Resources
- Taichung Studies, and Urban-wise Culture Data Global Sharing
- Urban video/photo and historic data sharing
2017 ideas
- Scenarios Line of Integration
- 3D featured street modeling for vr industry
- strategic connection to current touristic needs and explore official support degree & its related protocols
- digital content industry survey and ecology mapping
- business model exploration